Sentinel RT©

Sentinel RT© Flex is a standalone drilling advisory backend engine that processes either real-time or historical time series data to provide drilling recommendations aimed at reducing invisible lost time, eliminating non- productive time, improving data processing workflow, and identifying technical limiters during well construction.

Sentinel RT® Flex calculations include:

  • Rig state, weight-to-weight and slip-to-slip summaries
  • Drilling, tripping, hole-cleaning dysfunction, pump failure and washout, abnormal gain/loss and mud motor stall detection
  • Torque and drag, downlinking monitoring
  • Cone drilling advisory
  • Surge and swab, WOB, TOB, ECD and wellbore tortuosity modeling
  • Event alerts
  • Data quality monitoring and cleansing

Users of Sentinel RT® Flex reap the benefits of its 10+ years in development by experts in data science, easy integration into their software and workflow, models that self-adjust and update automatically, reduced costs and increased safety through more efficient drilling, and significant assistance in their migration to automation and remote operations.

The Sentinel RT® Flex is operating-system and EDR agnostic and uses on the edge or cloud data. It requires low computing power levels and runs efficiently on a single core 4GB memory device.

The system is available to operators, drilling contractors, service providers, consultants, academia, regulators, and others through flexible licensing or partnering arrangements.

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